Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Fall, Food, and Football!

Happy November!

Can you believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner?! It is just about 2 weeks away! Who else is excited for the almost "forgotten" holiday? Hehe ;p
I'm certainly ready for family, fun, and good food!

I've been enjoying the somewhat cooler temperatures we've been having. The chipmunks have been out and about, and I finally got a picture of one! Chipmunks are too dang cute!

Pretty soon there won't be any leaves left on the trees! At least I was able to admire some of the color this season, although we really didn't have the best Fall colors this year. Now we have a lot of wildfires burning, so it has been smoky/hazy outside. 

This past weekend was exciting for me! I finally felt well enough to go out to lunch with the hubby &  good friends at K Town Tavern, and then out to the Vols football game!

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!!! Even after giving my fries away!

The Vols dominated Tennessee Tech 55 - 0!!
It was a great game! Games are a million times better when you are there, rather than watching it on tv!

It felt amazing to get out and do something fun! Haha, although I'm still recovering, it was well worth it! I'm thankful for my "good" days when I feel decent enough to be active and social! :)


* What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?

* What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish/recipe?

* Which Football team do you root for?

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