Valentine's Day is a sweet little holiday that I have always adored. It's a fun, sweet little holiday! Plus, the actual sweets!!!
I love chocolate covered berries, so when I saw the Herbalife shake versions- I HAD to try it!
If you don't like chocolate covered strawberries, try the chocolate covered raspberry version!
I used a frozen berry medley, which consisted of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries! Using frozen berries is perfect because they also replace the ice!
Whip cream and sprinkles made my Herbalife chocolate covered berry smoothie even more decadent!
Sooooo delicious!! Who doesn't want the chocolate without the guilt and extra bad stuff?!?
❤️ How long have you been together? 12 years this June
❤️ Who asked who out? He asked me
❤️ Do you have any children together? Our child has four paws 🐾 🐾
❤️ What about pets? Our furbaby, Riley 😻
❤️ Who said I love you first? I did
❤️ Who is the most sensitive? Me
❤️ Where do you eat out most as a couple? We mostly eat in, but maybe O'Charley's?
❤️ Who's older? He's older
❤️ Who has the worst temper? Equal?
❤️ Who is more social? Hmm...him
❤️ Who is the neat freak? ME!
❤️ Who is the most stubborn? He is
❤️ Who wakes earliest? I'm the morning person ☀️ He's the night owl 🌙
❤️ Who's the funniest? Him
❤️ Where was your first date? To the movies "Cars" and dinner
❤️ Who has the biggest family? Him
❤️ Do you get flowers often? Not often, but always at the perfect time! 💐
❤️ How long did it take to get serious? It was instant!!
❤️ Who was interested in who first? He was interested in me before we met!
❤️ Who picks where you go out to eat? We compromise.
❤️ Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? Me
❤️ Who wears the pants in the family? He does
❤️ Who eats more sweets!? Him 🍫
❤️ Who’s more sarcastic? Him 😂
❤️ Who makes the most messes? He does
❤️ Hogs the remote? Me
❤️ Spends the most? Me 💸
❤️ Who is the smartest? He is
❤️ Did you go to the same school? Nope
❤️ Where is the furthest you two have traveled? Cayman Islands
❤️ Who hogs the bed? Him
* Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
* What is your favorite love song 🎵 ?
* Chocolates 🍫 or flowers 💐 ?
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